Tektronix 1240 / 1241 Remote Control Software


  • Tek 124x Control Software V1.3.0 (Full distribution)  All the required files and the setup program
  • ChangeLog  Changes made in the last version

  • Donations are welcome ...


    This software has been devised to help saving and reloading Tektronix 1240/1241 logical analysers configuration.
    It also offers a graphical 'channel grouping' editor.
    User can:
    - selects channels for a given group,
    - renames labels for each group,
    - changes Time base allocation,
    - changes input radix choice,
    - changes display radix choice,
    - changes signal polarity.

    Acquisition memory can now be saved and reloaded.
    Timing diagram can be displayed and printed.

    Data communication uses the GPIB bus interface aka 1200C02 Comm Pack.
    A GPIB card and the GPIB National Instrument drivers are required on the control system.


    Run the application and select the 'GPIB' button to set the GPIB parameters.
    The 'Tek124x.exe' can be launch with the '-clean' line parameter to clean the registry related keys and values.
    The following key sequences can be used under the 'timing diagram view':
    - Arrows to move inside view, SHIFT and CTRL keys can be used to move between pages,
    - HOME and END to move to fist and last sample,
    - CTRL-P to print current view,
    - SPACE to set/unset a d�dicated cursor,
    - Z to reset cursor value,
    - G and S to switch between Group or Signal naming,
    - Right mouse click over a name to move signal line.


    Tek-124x Application main screen Setting the unit HPIB parameter
    Tek-124x channel grouping screen
    Tek-124x timing diagram screen

    Additional Notes

    This is a beta version which may have some bugs.
    Further releases may include new functionnality such as binary/hexa. data view.

    Last revision: 2006/09/24