Technical data
The TRC-243 is the CSF reference for an HF solid-state receiver used by the french army. This model has been designed around 1986.
Here are its technical specifications (detailed specifications here):
- Receiving mode:
- Sensivity: [for (S+B)/B = 10dB]
<0.6uV BLU,
<5.0uV AM.
- Frequency coverage:
Continuous 1Hz tunable from
100Khz to 30Mhz
- Double conversion design:
1st IF: 101.8MHz,
2nd IF: 1.4Mhz.
- Filters:
3.4Khz USB,LSB
6.0Khz AM
150, 300, 750, 3000Hz CW
- BFO:
Tunable from -7.99KHz to +7.99KHz.
_ Memory:
100 channels.
- Remote control:
RS232 and IEEE488.
- Optional cards:
ISB output,
F1 demodulation,
IF Rejector,
VLF Head.
- Other option:
RS232 to 20mA loop converter.
Front view |
Upper view | Upper view |
Front Face (UK) | Front Face (FR) |
Front Face (241) | Front Face (proto) |
Rear view | Rear view |
Face Slot | CPU Card |
RS232 | Remote |
Dial card | Power Supply |
Synthetizer card - 1 | Synthetizer card - 2 |
HF head card | Preselector card |
1.4Mhz Filter card | IF & BF card |
BFO card | F1 Card |
VLF head card | RS232 with Modem |
Last revision: 2006/11/12